kayaking in Poland

Kayaks and the overcoming of obstacles

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Kayaks and the overcoming of obstacles

Every river is a surface flow that runs in a natural channel. From the point of view of kayak tourism, the more natural the river is, the better, as it is more interesting. Kayaking on the controlled channels may be easier, but it is certainly more boring. It is good if “there is much stuff going on” during a kayak rally: the shallows, a bend, a fallen tree. How to avoid obstacles?


Which kayak trip should I choose?

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Which kayak trip should I choose?

A guided or individual kayak trip? In recent years kayaking has become more popular as it is a cheap form of active tourism. Many companies that provide both fully guided kayak trips and kayak rentals have been established. Each of these companies determines its package of services under a specific name. Below is an overview of services provided by Kajakiem.pl. Check which kayak trip you should choose.


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