organised kayak trips

Kayaking with kids: what to bring, how to get ready, what to expect

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Kayaking with kids: what to bring, how to get ready, what to expect

Kayaking tourism is getting increasingly popular and more and more people want to try to spend their free time in this way. At the same time many of them want to spend their time with their kids. Adults often take the approach “we’ll go and see”, but when they’re planning to go with their kids, a million questions arise. And that’s good, because you need to get ready for kayaking, in particular if this is your kayak debut and you’re going to take your kid. Kayaking on a calm lowland river is safe, but you should know in exactly what you are going to participate so that you have nice memories when the kayak rally ends.


What to wear on a kayak trip once again

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What to wear on a kayak trip once again

Lowland kayak rallies are a form of activity practised mainly in summer. So choosing clothing for this kind of trip should not pose any problems. You should, however, pay attention to some important issues.

We usually wear a short-sleeved tee and shorts while paddling. We assume that it is better to sit in wet shorts than in wet long trousers. Today, clothes made from light, synthetic and breathable materials are available on the market. You should have such clothes if you’re planning to go on kayak trips frequently or on a long kayak trip. Remember that fabrics made from natural fibres such as cotton take a very long time to dry, while all synthetic materials dry much more quickly and – just like fleece – keep you warm even if they are wet. Thus sweaters, fleece shirts or jeans are not fit to kayak trips.


Food and cooking during a weekend kayak trip with KAJAKIEM.PL

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Food and cooking during a weekend kayak trip with KAJAKIEM.PL

Today I will shortly discuss food for specific kayak trips, namely the weekend kayak trips organised by the Travel Agency KAJAKIEM.PL, with whom I have been cooperating for years. These are weekend kayak trips (we arrive on Friday evening and paddle on Saturday and Sunday). The instructors go with the group, and the baggage is transported in a minibus to the next campsite.

I am very often asked about food supplies for such kayak trips, the availability of shops on the kayaking route or the cooking and camping equipment provided by the tour operator.


Which kayak trip should I choose?

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Which kayak trip should I choose?

A guided or individual kayak trip? In recent years kayaking has become more popular as it is a cheap form of active tourism. Many companies that provide both fully guided kayak trips and kayak rentals have been established. Each of these companies determines its package of services under a specific name. Below is an overview of services provided by Check which kayak trip you should choose.


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